Parcel Tracking
Tracking your parcel delivery has never been easier!
Firstly if you are logged in to your parcel entry account, you are able to go to the consignments page. Here you will be able to view all of your deliveries that have been dispatched via our parcel system.
You can filter the information by consignment number, delivery post code and date.
Once you have found the consignment you wish to track, click on the consignment number
This will bring up all of the delivery details, underneath you will be able to see all the scans to date on your parcel.
Above that, if the goods have been delivered you will see delivery details and be able to click for the signature. Alternatively if the goods are still out for delivery here you are able to gain access to ETA information.
If you are not logged in to the parcel entry system, or wish to direct your customer to track their own deliveries, this can be done on our home page.
You will note the ‘Track Your Parcel’ link.
To track here you will need the consignment number, and you will see similar information to the parcel entry tracking. Showing the latest scans on your parcel, and a signature should the goods have been delivered.