Customs & Handling - Ireland

Please see an up to date list of the Customs Clearance Costs for Ireland, please note these are subject to change:

Import & Export Customs Clearance - Republic of Ireland 

£75.00 Per Consignment (Declaration) for 3 Lines 

- £45 UK Export Declaration 

- £30 Irish Import Declaration 

Additional Lines - Republic of Ireland 

Per Code £10.00 per additional line

IPAFFs or Traces of for Food Origin


IPAFFS (The Import of products, animals, food and feed system) is the UKs new system for importing animals, animal products, high risk food and animal feed of non animal origin into Great Britain – Rochefreight need 24 hours notice.

(IPAFFS will replace the EUs TRACES (Trade Control and Expert System) after Brexit

Return Pallet Costs - Republic of Ireland 

In the event that the wrong customs information is provided against pallets arriving in ROI, all goods will be returned at the cost per paller as per your rate card.

Northern Ireland Customs Administration Charge

£15.00 Per Consignment 


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